Can you imagine a KYC, anti-laundering, anti-corruption counterparty form service that meets your need for knowledge, document management, declarations, data protection and signature integrated into one?
Our Form is automatically validated and the results are reflected in our Compliance tool.
+ Data + Information + Knowledge = More Prevention and Less Risks : Multipurpose form Ideal for any company.

Efficient counterparty knowledge process
The most powerful and complete counterparty knowledge form on the market. It has a guarantee and the quality seal so you can make safe decisions.
Our service allows you to comply with:
- LAFT prevention standards
- Data protection and authorization
- Security of the information
- OAS and BASC standards
What information does the counterparty fill out in the form?
Grow safely by knowing your counterparts with data and get the statements that will give you peace of mind, with our form process, you do not create friction with your counterparts. It has a guarantee and the quality seal so you can make safe decisions.
Identification, general legal information, aspects of marital status and other data of interest will be received with our form, it is a fundamental step for knowing the counterparts.
International coverage with quality certification.
Response time in less than 2 minutes.
The declaration of financial information to validate the origin of resources and financial status will be received with our form, it is a fundamental step for the knowledge of the counterparties.
International coverage with quality certification.
Response time in less than 2 minutes.
The declaration of relationship with third parties will be received with our form, it is a fundamental step for knowing the counterparties.
International coverage with quality certification.
Response time in less than 48 hours.
The final beneficiary declaration will be received with our form, it is a fundamental step for the counterparties to know.
International coverage with quality certification.
Response time in less than 2 minutes.
The declaration of whether a person is PEP or not will be received with our form, is a fundamental step for the counterparties to know.
International coverage with quality certification.
Response time in less than 2 minutes.
The declaration of origin of resources will be received with our form, it is a fundamental step for the counterparties to know.
International coverage with quality certification.
Response time in less than 2 minutes.
The declaration of assets abroad will be received with our form, it is a fundamental step for the knowledge of the counterparties.
International coverage with quality certification.
Response time in less than 48 hours.
The foreign currency management declaration will be received with our form, it is a fundamental step for knowing the counterparties.
International coverage with quality certification.
Response time in less than 2 minutes.
The documents required from a company or a person, for the parameterized purposes, will be received with our form, it is a fundamental step for knowing the counterparties and the processing of their personal data.
Allow your counterparty to attach the necessary documents to establish trust of knowledge.
International coverage with quality certification.
Response time in less than 2 minutes.
The declaration of authorization for data handling and processing, for the parameterized purposes, will be received with our form, it is a fundamental step for knowing the counterparties and the processing of their personal data.
International coverage with quality certification.
Response time in less than 2 minutes.
Leave paper behind and switch to our digital counterparty form
Sign up without any obligation and receive your demo now!
Our powerful search engine analyzes and searches by name and identification for companies around the world. Perform complete due diligence regardless of jurisdiction.
Validate individuals with any type of identification document or by name. We validate in all jurisdictions by name and by identity document according to the type of document available for consultation in our information sources.
Its purpose is the prevention, monitoring and control of LAFT / PADM – AML, it allows automating and simplifying processes of knowledge of suppliers, clients, employees or third parties to execute correct due diligence.
It is a certified Quality tool.
- Meet Suppliers
- Meet Clients
- Meet Employees
- Meet Users
Sign up without any obligation and receive your demo now!
Hit the mark with quality information
Your counterparts will be able to reuse information thanks to our powerful technology, which will avoid friction. Our Form uses self-completed information to improve the experience and generates alerts instantly once it is filled out.
Services in form
- Web Form embedded in the client's Web Page.
- Work Flow, Document collection flow for companies and legal entities.
- Mass Validation of related in the form.
- Dashboard with validation status and results.
- Notifications form submission alerts.
- Data consumption APIs or WebService – Integration with other Information Systems with data bifurcation and validation results.
- Electronic Signature and Handwritten Signature. We have both options.
Types of Counterparties
- Customers.
- Suppliers.
- Employees.
- Shareholders.
- Users.
- Professional collaborators.
- Beneficiaries.
- Allies
- Many +more
Interesting? Register without any obligation and receive your demo now!
Types of Supported Query Documents
- Citizenship cards.
- Business name.
- Immigration Cards.
- Special residence permits
- Permits for temporary protection
- Passport
- International Documents, among others…
- Types of documents by eligible countries.
Countries with coverage Supported
- 🇨🇴 Colombia
- 🇦🇹 Peru
- 🇪🇨 Ecuador
- 🇲🇽 Mexico
- 🇨🇱 Chile
- 🇦🇷 Argentina
- 🇵🇦 Panama
- 🇺🇸 United States
- +83 more countries…

Encrypted Information

Authorizations and signatures with registration and log

Permanent Support 24/7

Training and coaching
His counterparts will update his information when he requests it, based on the information that he himself initially filled out; generated additional benefits such as agility, updating and efficiency, and above all avoiding disagreement and friction.
Streamline these processes with our Counterparty Knowledge Form service and be part of the future of process simplification and compliance compliance.
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