La respuesta y el proceso de preparación de informe es inmediato y llegará a su correo electrónico que registró en su solicitud. Revíselo.
Este proceso tomará de 1 a 5 minutos aproximadamente.
1. Ingresa los datos de la solicitud
Terms and Conditions
Este informe incluye resultados de múltiples fuentes nacionales e internacionales. Mostrándole únicamente información pública actualizada por la misma fuente pública.
In any case, you are responsible for the processing of data and information obtained through public information sources, public data, through your search engines.
The consent to carry out the search is exclusively for the legal purpose of preventing Money Laundering or the Financing of Terrorism (LAFT) and this authorization must be granted directly to you. If you do not have such authorization, please refrain from performing this search.
As a company we do not participate in the hiring process and we do not evaluate the information returned in the report. We do not influence your clients in their decision making.
Cualquier consulta adicional del informe actual, o aclaración sobre la información encontrada, o ejercer sus derechos de hábeas data, puede comunicarse al correo electrónico habeasdata@risksint.com.
If you want to read our complete privacy policy, go to https://www.risksint.com/privacy-policy/
If you prefer, consult directly from the sources:
Validate a company's information in public sources.
- Consultation of companies and their reputation
- Registro Mercantil STREETS – RM (Colombia)
- Dian RUT
- Delinquent Debtors BDME
- Dian Inconsistensias
- DIMAR Fluvial Naves
- Supersocieties Processes
- Superfinanciera Processes
- Supersubsidy Cert. Membership
- Monitored Superhealth
- Superindustry Patents
- Superindustry Signs Dist.
- Superindustria Diseños Ind.
- Supervision Accreditation
- Supervision Sanctions
- Supervision Notifications
- Supersolidarity Procedures
- Supersolidaria Intervened
- Supersolidaria Liquidation
- Supersolidaria Edos. Fin.
- Legal Person Comptroller.
Validate a person with open and public sources.
Consultations available to validate a person.
Validate public sources for vehicle information.
Maps and Resources
Its purpose is the prevention, monitoring and control of LAFT / PADM – AML, it allows automating and simplifying processes of knowledge of suppliers, clients, employees or third parties to execute correct due diligence.
It is a certified Quality tool.